He Was TOTALLY Worth the Wait!

January 7, 2015

My dear friends,

God is faithful.  Be patient.  Trust Him.  He can see around the corner.  He knows what is best for you.  He loves you like no other ever could!

Since I was about 16, all I EVER wanted to be was a wife and mother.  When I was 24 and date-raped I became a mother, but not a wife, and more or less lost my dream of finding a Godly man to marry.  I figured that I was ‘tainted goods’ and no really Godly man would want me.  That’s a sad place to be, trust me.

I recognized that it wasn’t God’s fault that I was raped, and over the next 19 years, I continued to serve Him with my whole heart.  Things were not how I EVER imagined or dreamed they would be, but never once did God let me down.  Never once did He fail me.  Never once did I go without my basic needs being met.
He continued to be faithful!  Always!  Hallelujah!  😀

Slowly, over the years, He gave me dreams again.  He was restoring my vision and preparing me for the future, even though I couldn’t see it.

In the meantime, 120 miles away, He was wooing Wayne to His side and working out his salvation … and I knew nothing about it!

One week ago today, at 44 years old, He gave me a wonderful, masculine, kind-hearted, teachable, fun, hard-working, handsome, Godly man to be my husband.  Wayne was TOTALLY worth the wait!

I love the Britt Nicole Song, “Still That Girl” where she says, ‘Sometimes life don’t go the way you planned, and there are days that we just don’t understand, ….. but what if the picture is bigger than you see, and God has you right where He wants you to be …’

So often, we think we are in the wrong place, or not where we should be, or not where we think God wants us to be.  What if the picture is indeed bigger than we can see?  What if that unplanned place really is exactly where God needs you to be for HIS purpose to come to pass?  Why do we feel like we need to do things on our own, within our own wisdom, according to our own limited plan?  Why do we get so impatient???

Daniel chapter 10 tells us that Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days, waiting for his answer.  Little did he know that the answer had been sent right away.  What if he would have given up after a week, or two weeks, or 20 days?  What would he have missed out on?

Be patient.  Don’t give up one day too early!  God may have you right where HE wants you to be.  And it will be a more beautiful and rewarding place than you could have ever created for yourself in your own power.