He is a God of Second Chances!!

He is a God of second chances!!

On Sunday, Pastor Chuck was preaching from John 21. He was talking about the dreams Peter had probably been having – the non-stop reminders of that rooster crowing – the lack of sleep and deep despair since the moment he denied his best friend and savior.
Can you imagine the pain he felt as soon as the words left his lips and Jesus locked eyes with him?
Can you imagine what those miserable days had been like in his mind and heart?!?
Yet, Jesus told Mary to tell the disciples AND PETER that He was risen. Peter knew he had blown it badly enough to no longer be considered one of the ‘inside crew’. How devastating that must have been to him.
Jesus, on the other hand, was full of love and forgiveness. When they did meet up again, Jesus re-commissioned him for ministry, and boy did he minister!!!
Have you messed up?
Have you said something you should not have?
Have you denied Jesus in front of your friends, family, or co-workers?
Have you done something REALLY dumb?
Guess what, if you repent of it, Jesus can STILL use you! You have not permanently destroyed your potential for ministry!
Get your heart right with God and He can restore you into a place of purity and usefulness – this time with a deep sense of humility.