A Shocking Confession.

March 22, 2017

I have a shocking confession to make. (I know … confession is good for the soul. Bad for the reputation, but good for the soul. 😉 )

I found myself thinking like an entitled snowflake these past couple of days. Sigh…

We are at the apartment in Denver, and I was sweeping off the little patio-thingy yesterday. There was some paper trash that had blown in next to the metal fencing that surrounds our little area. Rather than use my broom to pull it into our space and throw it away, I used the broom to push it out further so the trash-poker-picker-upper-guy would get it today. I know. GASP! I made a conscious decision that it wasn’t my ‘responsibility’ to clean it up. I’m hanging my head as I type this.

THEN (hold on.. it gets even worse!) this morning I was mopping the bathroom floor with a wash cloth. After my first pass, the cloth was full of long red hairs. Normally, I would pull all of those hairs off and throw them into the trash so they don’t clog the sink. (Unclogging a sink that is full of long hair is NO fun!) BUT, this morning, I had the urge to just rinse them down the apartment sink because if it DID clog, it would be someone else’s responsibility to clean it out.

I’m SO ashamed of myself.

Not sure if the big city is wearing off on me or what.

Sigh ….

I know I’m making light of this, but in all seriousness, THIS is what is wrong with society. Well, it’s ONE thing that’s wrong. We have decided that unless we OWN the property (which fewer and fewer do these days) we can treat it poorly because someone else will have to come along and clean up our mess.

What if … just what if … we all picked up trash when we saw it? What if we all took care of other people’s property when we had the opportunity? What if we TRULY treated each other how we want to be treated ourselves? What if we followed the ‘golden rule’ even as adults.  Just what if?