I Am Grieved to My Very Core


I spent about 17 hours sitting at my desk yesterday working on a spreadsheet for a client.  During that time, I read a couple of articles about something new and ‘trendy’.  It grieved me to my very core.  I had to push it to the back of my mind all day so I could concentrate on rows and columns.

I don’t know if you are aware of how IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) works, but it involves collecting eggs and sperm, combining them, allowing them to begin mitosis, and then implanting them into a woman’s uterus while hoping they will ‘take’ and she will become pregnant.

It is a costly, time consuming, and emotionally draining process, so the doctors stimulate egg production for a couple of weeks before collection hoping they will be able to fertilize as many eggs as possible for future implants if the first time or even two doesn’t work.

The ‘extra’ fertilized eggs, embryos, are frozen for future use.

They are tiny human beings.  They have already begun mitosis.  Here is how babycenter.com described them on their info page about IVF:

“Three days after the egg retrieval, some of the eggs that were successfully fertilized become six- to 10-celled embryos. By the fifth day, some of these embryos will become blastocysts with a fluid-filled cavity and tissues that are beginning to separate into placenta and baby.”

Yes, you read that right … placenta and baby.

Now, the question is, what do they do with the extra, frozen, unused ‘placentas and babies’?

Sometimes wonderful infertile couples adopt them.  They are called snowflake babies because they came from a frozen embryo.  Others are eventually disposed of as ‘medical waste’ which means they are thawed and thrown away.  Fertilized eggs.  Tiny human beings.

As if we weren’t already depraved enough, now, the trend is to take those embryos and suspend them in lovely shaped clear plastic, and wear them around as jewelry.  I promise you, I’m not making this up.

These people artificially ‘make’ children, murder their children, and then wear the remains around their necks.  It is hard to imagine that we value human life SO little that this is acceptable and even celebrated.

It is certainly reminiscent of the human skin lampshades during the holocaust.  Utterly unthinkable.

We have told our children for several generations now that human life is disposable.  If you don’t want the baby that you made, just murder it.  Sadly, this trend is just a ‘natural’ outcome of that thinking.

As Billy Graham once said, ‘If God doesn’t judge America, He will have to go back and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.’

Honestly, Sodom and Gomorrah don’t have anything on us.  Nothing.

How much further can we sink?

How this must hurt God’s heart …