March 22, 2017 I have a shocking confession to make. (I know … confession is good for the soul. Bad for the reputation, but good for the soul. 😉 ) I found myself thinking like an entitled snowflake these past couple of days. Sigh… We are at the apartment in Denver, and I was sweeping…
Author: Gwen
Whatever Happened to Repentance?
October 11, 2015 I’ve been stewing on something for a while. Why don’t Christians seem to act like Christ so much any more? Why do we brag about our sinfulness? Why are we so proud of our past that we continue to glorify the devil with our words and actions? Why aren’t we grasping the…
Guns are Not the Problem. Mental Health is Not the Problem. Pansy Men are the Problem.
October 11, 2015 Guns are not the problem. Mental health is not the problem. Pansy men are the problem. Sadly, we have several generations of men alive right now who do not understand their God-given drive and mandate to protect the innocent around them. It has been suppressed since they were small boys. Somehow, we…
He Was TOTALLY Worth the Wait!
January 7, 2015 My dear friends, God is faithful. Be patient. Trust Him. He can see around the corner. He knows what is best for you. He loves you like no other ever could! Since I was about 16, all I EVER wanted to be was a wife and mother. When I was 24 and…
Why Are Young Men Giving Up on Young Women?
December 5, 2014 My 16 year old homeschooled son is wanting to take a girl bowling. Â It will be his first real ‘date’. Â I struggled with what advice to give him to let her know that he likes her without coming across as ‘creepy’ (which is currently the most commonly used word to describe boys…