Why Are Young Men Giving Up on Young Women?

December 5, 2014

My 16 year old homeschooled son is wanting to take a girl bowling.  It will be his first real ‘date’.  I struggled with what advice to give him to let her know that he likes her without coming across as ‘creepy’ (which is currently the most commonly used word to describe boys and men by girls and women).  I came up blank.   Even ‘normal’ gentlemanly behavior is now called into question as ‘misogynistic’.

Then, this morning I read an excellent article about how feminism has totally destroyed how men and women interact.  The article had several F-bombs, so I’m not going to share it, but the concept was right on.  Boys and men are both checking out of the relationship business because there are no longer any ‘rules’ with women.  Porn is free and ‘convenient’ and the rules are easy to understand.  Video games are prevalent, and the rules are black and white. Both are HORRIBLY damaging and most men know it, but sadly, they don’t care.  The potential harm from porn seems much less difficult to manage than a real live feministic and confusing woman.

Some girls smile and giggle when a guy opens a door or offers his arm or tells her she looks nice or compliments her eyes.  Others scowl and call him a creep.  Some ladies still understand that a man was designed by God to provide and protect.  A lot of ladies think that is a clever and convenient deception to somehow subjugate women.  Really?  Do you know what I would give to have a man provide for me and protect me?  Just about everything I have!!!!

How do we, as a society in whole, somehow differentiate between the two ‘types’ of women?  I do not know if I can tell Noah if it is okay to tell her she looks pretty, or if she’ll throw out a ‘yellow light’ and accuse him of unwanted advances.  It’s a horrible place to be.

Too many young girls have been convinced, by well-meaning parents, that they are truly a princess.  What a load of bunk!  They are normal everyday girls … who are very much loved.  In my opinion, calling a girl that is both damaging and disrespectful.  You can be assured her teachers will not treat her like a princess.  The other girls at school will not defer to her.  And, in addition, she is raised with totally unreal and unfair expectations of a man.  She will want a man to be what she sees in a Disney cartoon as ‘Prince Charming’, and we ALL know, VERY well, that such men do not exist.  So, these girls are raised with false expectations and are consistently disappointed by the very genuine (albeit awkward) attempts by real, kind-hearted young men, who would treat her very well.

On the flip side, not too long ago, the ‘B’ word was a horrible terrible demeaning slam.  A woman would be crushed if someone called her that.  Today, it is somehow a badge of honor.  Girls brag about how much that word fits them.  They wear t-shirts that outline how difficult they will be to live with and how useless men are. They take Facebook quizzes about how ‘witchy’ they are, and post their high results with smiles and laughs.  How did we get to the point that the meaner and crankier and more difficult a woman is, somehow that makes her a better ‘lady’???  Baloney!!!!

Why is it no longer tolerated, by the feminist movement, for a girl to just be a girl?  For her to WANT to get married to a decent, hard-working, non-handsome-prince-like man and have a family?  Why is she required to act like some sort of princess or witch in order to feel validated and important?

And we wonder why guys are turning to porn, video games, and solitude.

I feel SO sorry for the men, young and old, living in today’s confused times.