Don’t Give Up!

Remember the story about Jesus walking on the water?
It’s in Matthew 14 and John 6, if you want to read the actual text.
Jesus told the disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side. Sounds like a pretty easy request, huh? They did it. They got in the boat, waved goodbye to Jesus, and started rowing.
BUT, a storm came up and they rowed against it all night long.
They were doing exactly what Jesus told them to do.
And it was hard.
And it was a long night.
And they were worn out.
And I expect they wanted to quit!
BUT they were doing precisely what Jesus had told them to do.
They were in His will.
They were right where they were supposed to be.
And it was hard!
Then, in the morning, Jesus came walking on the water, chatted with Peter, and calmed the storm. John says that they were ‘immediately’ at the other shore.
Just because things are hard and you are rowing against a storm does NOT mean you missed God and you are not doing what He asked you to do.
Take heart! Be courageous! He is coming to you and will calm the storm. Immediately, you will be at your destination.
Don’t give up. Don’t quit rowing against the storm. Don’t stop because it’s hard.
Jesus is coming!!!